So, this last weeks goal was to get my old camera software off the computer and the new camera software installed. I mentioned this in passing to My Honey last week. I know this does not sound like much of a goal to some of you but I am pretty much computer illiterate. It is all I can do to find a program let alone do anything with it. This past Saturday I decided to get crackin' and get it done. I sat down at my computer and began looking in the obvious place, under "All Programs." It wasn't there. I took the opportunity to get rid of a few other old programs and software that we no longer use but the one I was really looking for was clearly missing. Of course, My Honey had left on a business trip by this time so I was unable to ask him for help. I continued to search for the missing program for about 3 days and then gave up. On Tuesday, my good friend Michelle asked me how my goal was coming along and I shared with her that I was unable to find the program in my computer. Our conversation spurred me on to try once again. I returned to my computer last night and spent a bit more time searching, but to no avail. I then decided that I would access the program via my desk top and see if there was some way to remove the program that way. I returned to my desk top only to find............
DRUM ROLL, PLEASE..............................................................
.........My Honey must have already removed said program some time last week!!!
It was no longer on my desk top! I had been searching and searching and practically pulling my hair out in frustration over being unable to find that program only to find it wasn't there to find! My Honey was just being helpful, and knowing that I am not exactly a computer whiz, he took care of it for me. I just wish he had told me. It would have saved me quite a bit of frustration. Note to self: Look in the most obvious place first!
I have now downloaded my new software. That was easy, as it is just a matter of following the prompts. I now need to learn how to use it and get my first photos downloaded. I will try to do that within the next few days.
This Week's Goal- This week my goal is to inventory both my inside and outside freezer so that I can better prepare for making meals each night. I will also throw out any old items and pull older, usable items to the front and put newer items in the back. One of my long term goals is to follow weekly meal plans! I have started this in the past but it is so easy to get sidetracked with all the sports schedules and family happenings. Because of this, our family goes out to dinner far too often and it needs to stop. Not only is it not good for us, it costs way too much. Since the beginning of the year, I have been doing really well getting my meals planned and on the table at a decent hour. I know that getting my freezers inventoried will help me immensely.
On the home school front things have been going pretty well. I am having a few struggles with Muffin Man who seems to be resisting regarding the learning of certain things. He grasps concepts quite quickly when he wants to but if he isn't in the mood, God help me! I was laying in bed thinking about this the other night and I realized that he is only six. I did not start Little Man in Kindergarten until he was six. I started Muffin Man at barely 5 and I think his maturity is coming in to play. I am backing off a few concepts that he seems particularly confused with and back tracking a bit to the basics. I think he is ready in some ways and not ready in others. I want him to learn but I also want him to enjoy learning. If it is becoming a struggle, he will just give up. The last few days since I made this decision have been much better. We are focusing on word families and just getting addition and subtraction facts down cold.
As an aside, we are doing a little germ/bacteria growth experiment this week. Both the boys have colds and I am constantly telling them to wash their hands. Today I pulled out a few disposable petri dishes and some agar and we set up to get a real true picture of the germs that we otherwise cannot see. I swabbed the boys hands and teeth and then let them swab a few places around the house. (The remote control, a door knob, the computer key board, etc) We will have to wait a few days to see the results. I did this once before with Little Man but Muffin Man was really little at the time and even Little Man has limited memory of it. I will be sure to post pictures for you. Blech.
So, that is about it for now. I will try to get a few pictures posted in the next few days. Until then, Carpe Diem.
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