Thursday, June 4, 2009

I know, I know.............

I have been promising to get on here and update for forever! And I still have simply not had the time. Baseball is finally over and summer is here, which means we should have more time but somehow, we don't. Go figure?
We are still schooling every day because I simply see no reason to stop and get off track for three months. The boys are busy getting ready for their first karate tournament at the end of this month. We are also busy with summer get togethers with all the friends that we do not get to see very often during the school year. We have been bowling almost every day for the last few weeks thanks to the generosity of our local bowling alley. The boys get one free game and shoe rental per day for the entire summer! How cool is that? In between schooling, bowling, and karate we are spending time at the aquatic center and the beach, and just hanging out with friends.
I am not going to promise to get on in the next week and get all caught up on the past four months because I have made that promise for the last 3 months and have yet to have kept it. I will try to get on soon but PLEASE do not hold me to it.
For now I will leave you with this little gem from Muffin Man. This evening we went out to dinner at a local buffet our family enjoys. At the end of the meal My Honey went and, as is our custom, filled a plate with an assortment of small, bite sized, desserts for all of us to share. One of the items that this buffet always has on hand are little, tiny cream puffs. Muffin Man picked up one of the cream puffs from the plate, gave a contented sigh, and exclaimed "These things just always cheer me up!" God love him!

May you too be cheered up by the little things in life. Blessings.