.........Or maybe I just have a really dirty mind. That is a strong possibility. But I swear, Muffin Man comes up with some of the funniest things and he doesn't even know why mommy is laughing so hard that she is crying. There have been a few over the years. Last year as we were driving across the middle of no where, which is what we call the desert, and looking at nothing but miles and miles of brush and cacti, Muffin Man suddenly asked me "Mommy, could you make a restaurant underneath a bush?" I proceeded to tell him that it would not be possible because you would need to have plumbing and running water, etc. He then went on to ask "Mommy, could you name a restaurant anything you wanted?" I told him that yes, within reason you could name it anything you wanted. He then announced that when he grows up he is going to open a restaurant and name it "The Big Bush"!!!! At that moment my Honey piped up and said "I'd eat there." Oh My Goodness! I was laughing so hard I almost wet myself. Of course neither of the boys had any idea what I was cracking up over and proceeded to come up with more names that were not even remotely funny but I was still laughing so they thought they were hilarious!
So anyway, the other night I told the boys that they could have a treat. Muffin Man asked for a scoop of ice cream and Little Man asked if he could have a Hostess Ding Dong. As they were sitting at the table eating their treat I shared with them that I had once created and worn a Ding Dong Halloween costume. I created the shape out of cardboard and covered it with tin foil and then wore black tights and leotard underneath. It was a REALLY cute costume if I do say so myself. So anyway, they were both getting a good laugh out of the visualization of their mother dressed as a Ding Dong when Muffin Man says "Did you and your sisters play eat the Ding Dong?" Insert dirty thought here. Right at that moment My Honey walked in and he heard the whole thing and just the look on his face was enough to send me into hysterical melt down. I literally had tears running down my face. Of course later that night My Honey had a new euphemism to add to his repertoire
Anyway, I guess I just had to blog this because it is the funny stories like this one that get forgotten. It isn't exactly something I will scrapbook (or maybe I will) but I still felt it was worth sharing somewhere.
Kids!!! They do keep me in stitches.
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