Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chaos Happenings..........

Whew! Summer is such a crazy time here in the Chaos Household. We continue schooling throughout the summer as I just see no reason not to. It really takes only a few hours per day and why not just keep the schedule going year round? We are a bit more lenient but we do try to get some schooling in every day. On top of that, we have been had so many things going on.! We meet with a group of friends every Tuesday for a swim day. We meet each Wedenesday with the homeschool playgroup. We meet with another group of friends every Thursday to go bowling. The boys have Karate on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. That is just the regular weekly planned stuff. This past week was even crazier. One of the boy's cousin from Chicago was in town. They see her so seldom and wanted to spend every spare moment with her. She is 17 and had brought a friend with her and it was her time to spend with her grandparents, so I limited the amount of time the boys were down there, but they still spent a good deal of time with them. We spent a full day out on the lake. Little Man also had Boy Scout camp on Thursday and Friday from 3-8 and Saturday from 7-1. We also did our lemonade stand. Needless to say, I was glad for the week to be over. I felt like we were running full speed for the entire week.
This week we are back on schedule and recovering from last week.
So anyway, here are a few recent pics. The first one is Muffin Man who is now missing 4 front teeth. He lisps terribly and I laugh every time he smiles. The second two are of the boys feeding the birds up in the gorge along the river. If you just slow the boat down and hold corn chips up in the air, the birds come flying from all around and take them right out of your hand. The last is of the boys riding in the tube behind the boat. They loved it!!! They kept yelling for us to go faster. At least a few times they flew over the wake and caught air! Little Man said it was better than the fastest ride at Disneyland and Muffin Man added that it was better than Disneyland, period! Who knew we could have saved so much money and just taken them out on the boat instead of to Disneyland. LOL Enjoy.




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1 comment:

Alexis Jacobs said...

Looks like a blast! I love your tube.