Thursday, April 30, 2009

Checking In.............Yet Again!

Oh*My*Goodness! Has it really been that long since I posted? Time has just been flying by for me. The last few months have been chock full of karate and baseball practices and games. In between that and schooling each day I have also, pretty much single handedly, cleaned, primed, and painted every wall, baseboard, door frame, and door in my house. I am not quite finished but I can finally see the finish line! Our new carpet goes in next Thursday and then I can finally start putting my house back together. The furniture is all over the place. Pictures are all off the walls. A large number of totes are filled with stuff that was formerly housed in dresser drawers. All the kids furniture is getting sold at the next garage sale and their room will have all new furniture and shelves. I am determined that at least half of what WAS in their room will not be going back. I cannot wait for everything to be back in order!!! It has been a long time coming, but the end results will be more than worth it!!

I have a whole list of subjects and happenings that I would like to write about. We had visits from a few out of town friends. We built our own incubator and successfully hatched chicks. We planted what is turning out to be an impressive veggie garden. We again hatched praying mantis, butterflies, and continue to raise our pill bugs. We rescued a bunch of baby bunnies and rereleased them into the wild. Both My Honey and I celebrated bithdays. My grandmother went to spend eternity with her Lord and Saviour in March. We had cousins and Aunts and Uncles come visit. We found out that some of them will be moving here in a few months time. I know there is so much more but it is late and I am exhausted!! My mind is drawing a blank! I will do all I can to get on here in the next week and get some updates typed up.

For those of you who do check in, sorry I have been so lousy at keeping things up to date. I am going to make a point of doing better in the future. But thanks for stopping by.