........to say hello and to apologize for my extended absence! It is amazing how the days and all our activities can just get away from me. We have been unbelievably busy for the last month and every few days I think to myself, "Self, You need to blog about this!" but then I never quite find the time.
School is going well. Muffin Man is really loving reading lately and is so good with math. Little Man is working on multiplication and U.S geography. We have been following the life cycle of pill bugs, and have a new batch of mantis hatch lings to enjoy. We have five chicken eggs in an incubator and are looking forward to seeing them hatch and learning all about their life cycle. We recently finished growing bacteria and will post some info and pictures on that, soon. We are in the process of memorizing the names of the 50 states in alphabetical order and all of their abbreviations. We are studying the American revolution, and we are reading through the Little House on the Prairie series. The boys have been interested and engaged and have been doing lessons without complaint. God Bless them!
As far as my weekly goals, I have not given up on them. In the past 4 weeks I have finished cleaning out and inventorying both of my freezers, cleaned out, culled and organized all of my school supplies and book shelves, painted two more walls in the living room, filed a 2 foot stack of paperwork that was about to topple over, AND found and organized all our tax stuff and had our taxes done! WHEW! All in all it has been a very productive few weeks.
My current focus is a new home school support group that my girlfriend Michelle and I are putting together. We both belong to the local Christian support group but there are many non Christian home schooler's out there in our county and we want to reach out to them, meet and support them as well. We are in the planning, implementing and publicity stage. Just getting the word out is a huge and time consuming process. We are looking forward to how things will work out. Wish us luck!
The boys are busy with Karate and will be starting baseball this next Monday. Both boys earned their yellow belts in Karate in the last few weeks and that was really exciting. I REALLY LOVE karate and I am impressed with the difference I have seen in them since they started. It is a sport that I hope to keep them in for years to come.
So that is about it. I PROMISE to get some pictures and info posted on some of our recent activities and I also VOW to get back on my goal posting by this next Wednesday. Until then, take care.